"Children" by Elaine Pekarske
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"Kyle and Krackers"©
Acrylic 20x20 in
Suddenly traffic came to a halt.
The road was blocked,
with crackers and salt.
The road man said:
"you'll have to stay,
Kyle's been eating
crackers today."
The driver said:
"Oh that's O.K,
I'll eat the crumbs,
and be on my way!"

I have a furry companion,
who is quiet, lovable, and wise.
When he's hungry he eats,
tired, he sleeps,
and with me, he loves to play.
He speaks to me in his language,
of soft meows and purrs.
He tells me all I need to know,
He's the best cat in the world.

"Kyle and Kat"©
Acrylic 30x15 in
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