by Elaine Pekarske
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"Max and Jake"©
Acrylic 22x28 in
He was my furry friend,
faithful to the end.
He let me know,
how important I was to him.
To him it didn't matter where we were,
or what we were doing,
as long as we were together.
He taught me the meaning of devotion,
and unconditional love.
He was my dog, "My Jakee'".
A word of warning,
A feeling of dread.
It's time for Princess Olivia
to go to her bed.
But where is Dalmatian?
Tears start to appear.
Is he lost?
(for this is her greatest fear)
"Don't worry says mom,
we'll find him my dear.
Oh look, there he is,
under the chair!"
Happily she takes him
holds him close to her heart,
climbs into bed
and slips into slumber.
So, to put it quite simply,
be warned of what I've said,
for without her Dalmatian,
The Princess will not go to bed!

"Princess Olivia and Her Dalmatian"
Acrylic 30x15 in
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