by Elaine Pekarske
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"Princess Natalia Noel"©
Acrylic 18x14 in
She’s a delicate beauty,
thoughtful and kind,
with her head in the clouds,
and her feet on the ground.
She’s looking for crickets,
turtles and snails.
She’ll make a new home for them,
in a small pail.
Her talents are many,
but her art is the best,
with imaginative drawings
that set her apart,
from the rest.
Her world is ethereal,
her mind is sublime.
She’s a heavenly mixture,
of all that is fine.
She’s lively,
a tomboy,
pretty and smart,
and never a frown.
A climber of trees,
who can hang upside down.
She has a penchant for the limelight,
and being on stage,
and can sing with a clarity,
that is quite divine.
She’s a future Miss America,
with a million dollar smile,
She’s not famous yet,
but give her a while.

"Princess Sofia Marie"©
Acrylic 18x14 in
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