by Elaine Pekarske
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"Butterfly Babies"©
Acrylic 30x24 in
They emerged from a chrysalis of love,
surprising everyone,
A soft breeze blows as they float
gently up to the sky,
Tiny little legs dangle from diapers
that are too large,
The black peach fuzz on their heads
gleams in the sunlight,
Their wings will soon be dry and they will fly
away in search of nectar.
Rub a dub dub,
There are frogs in my tub,
and fishes are swimming by,
The frog thinks its a joke
that I can't find the soap,
and mom calls,
hurry up, hurryup,
aren't you done?

"Bathtime At The Pond"©
Acrylic 24x30 in
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